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Acuerdos Oslo Agua Apoyo de las minorías Asentamientos de Colonos Atención a la población más desfavorecida Ayuda humanitaria CEMOFPSC Cooperación al desarrollo Cristianos perseguidos Cuadernos Democracia y Paz Derechos fundamentales Derechos humanos Educación Egipto El papel de las Religiones Empoderamiento English Erradicación de la pobreza Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil Género Iraq Israel Jordania Libertad religiosa Líbano Medio ambiente sostenible Naciones Unidas ODS Palestina Programas de desarrollo Promoción de la mujer Readi Refugiados Saneamiento Santa Sede Seguridad alimentaria Seguridad y ayuda internacional Siria Situación de paz y conflictos Tratados fpsc italiano
Interview made by CEMOFPSC
This interview was made on the ocassion of the Round table " An education of quality in the conflict area as a way of improving peace and integration" organised by CEMOFPSC
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, Palestina, English
Interview made by CEMOFPSC
This interview was made on the ocassion of the round table "An education of quality in the conflict area as a way of improving peace and integration" organised by CEMOFPSC
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
Partnership for improving the quality of education in Primary and Secondary schools in Palestine 2010-2014.
The general objective is to improve the quality of education at Palestinian schools in the southern and middle of the country. Jerusalem, Bethlehem and North Hebron directorates.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
The right to quality education for all in Palestine. Inclusive education to reach marginalized and excluded children. Challenges and gaps.
Among the international commitments for the right to education for all we find the Universal Human Rights Declaration (1948)
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
The Arab revolt: transformation to transition (Open Democracy, 22nd February 2011)
The Arab democratic revolution, if that is what it proves to be, is spreading. The experiences of protest and change in Tunisia and Egypt, Bahrain and Morocco, Libya and Yemen may vary substantially, as most probably will their political outcomes; yet they also seem to be components of a great collective shift, which will have reverberations far beyond the region.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, Egipto, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
The Battle of ideas. (The World Today. June 2003)
How will the tide of ideas turn in the Arab world after the fall of Saddam Hussein? It is assumed Iraq will become a beacon of democracy in the region and set an example for all.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, Seguridad y ayuda internacional, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
The future status of jerusalem in the framework of a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israeli
-The solution to the Jerusalem problem should be based on President Clinton's parameters (2000) and on the details offered by the Geneva Initiative (2003) and its annex published last year. - Meaning: the Jewish neighborhoods will be part of Israel, the Arab Neighborhoods will be part of Palestine, and so will be the various quarters of the Old City, except for the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall, which will be part of Israel. - A multinational group in the Old City will handle disputes and security tensions between the two parties, while a council which will be comprised of representatives of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions, will act as a counseling body to the parties and will promote inter-religious dialogue and understanding in the city. - Jerusalem is holy to the religious faithful but is not owned by them. It has cultural and symbolic importance to many non religious people, and therefore the idea of putting Jerusalem's sovereignty under God, is irrelevant.
tags: Situación de paz y conflictos, CEMOFPSC, El papel de las Religiones, Israel, Palestina, English
The meaning of Jerusalem for the three monotheistic religions
The proximity talks that entered its first round last week between the United States, the Palestinians and Israel respectively, are heavily influenced by the internal and external political dynamics of each of the direct stakeholders of the conflict: Palestinians and Israelis on the one hand and the Unites States, the European Union and the Arab States on the other.
tags: Situación de paz y conflictos, CEMOFPSC, El papel de las Religiones, Israel, Palestina, English
"The importance of Jerusalem for the three monotheistic religions"
What does Jerusalem have that other cities lack? Where is the secret ingredient of this city? How come humanity has been fighting for this place for over three thousand years? When exactly it all started? And finally, Why Jerusalem?
tags: fpsc, CEMOFPSC, El papel de las Religiones, Israel, Palestina, English
Cooperation for Development and Non-Governmental Organisations. Working in the Middle East, Region of Conflicts. Women and Human Rights.
It is very humbling to follow a talk like that of Claudette Habesch who brings us really to what is happening on the ground. One feels very frivolous sitting in London making pontification about the situation when one hears what is happening on the ground. But that is exactly what I am going to do; I am going to be frivolous and pontificate because I think it is important to be able to look at things from different perspectives. When it comes to policy and its implementation, one must separate between the thinking process, the strategy behind what we do, the policy process, which is what politicians say and the actual implementation on the ground.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Promoción de la mujer, Derechos humanos, Programas de desarrollo, English