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Acuerdos Oslo Agua Apoyo de las minorías Asentamientos de Colonos Atención a la población más desfavorecida Ayuda humanitaria CEMOFPSC Cooperación al desarrollo Cristianos perseguidos Cuadernos Democracia y Paz Derechos fundamentales Derechos humanos Educación Egipto El papel de las Religiones Empoderamiento English Erradicación de la pobreza Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil Género Iraq Israel Jordania Libertad religiosa Líbano Medio ambiente sostenible Naciones Unidas ODS Palestina Programas de desarrollo Promoción de la mujer Readi Refugiados Saneamiento Santa Sede Seguridad alimentaria Seguridad y ayuda internacional Siria Situación de paz y conflictos Tratados fpsc italiano
Arab Spring at the time of the uprisings and one year after
tags: CEMOFPSC, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz, Egipto, Derechos humanos, English, Cuadernos
The water issue between Israel and the Palestinians
Presentation made by Professor H. Koren, -University of Haifa- on the ocassion of the first CEMOFPSC workshop in Italy
tags: Medio ambiente sostenible, CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Derechos humanos, English, Agua
Debate on the Constitution and the Elections
If transitional phases are seen as the most difficult for people and societies, the scene in Egypt is even more complicated for several reasons.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz, Egipto, Derechos humanos, English
VII CEMOFPSC Seminar Conclusions
This event brought together some actors and witnesses as well as leading experts on the matter. They offered testimonies and analysis of this new situation in the Arab world that has surprised everyone for its fast extension and propagation.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz, Egipto, Derechos humanos, English
The transition in the new Arab world: a challenge for East and West. Welcome speech
The so-called "Arab spring" has focused on Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, but has had an effect on other situations, such as the Palestinian unity effort, or the intensification of reform in other countries in the area. The common ground has been: fatigue of the population, regardless of ideological colour or form of State, in the absence or failure of reform will of their governments.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz, Egipto, Derechos humanos, English
"An education of quality in the conflict area, as a way of improving peace and integration" CEMOFPSC Round Table Introductory Words
When FPSC started working in West Bank in 1995, it was just by funding a vocational training program in Bir Zeit Latin school, granted by the Spanish cooperation.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
"An education of quality in the conflict area, as a way of improving peace and integration" CEMOFPSC Round Table presentation
Since 2001, when FPSC obtained its first special consultive status with ECOSOC of the United Nations, and then later in 2004 its general status, its objective was to collaborate with ECOSOC in its High Level Segment and since 2007 with its Annual Ministerial Review Development as well s its Cooperation Forum.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
ECOSOC-A brief backgrounder
The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations was estalished under its charter as the principal organ to coordinate economic, social, and related work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, functional commissions and five regional commissions.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
Education in the Palestinian Territories
The Palestinian People have been under occupying powers from its very beginning: first the Ottoman Empire, the British Mandate, Egypt and Jordan and after 1967 until 1993 the State of Israel.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina
Interview made by CEMOFPSC
This interview was made on the ocassion of the round table "An education of quality in the conflict area as a way of improving peace and integration"organised by CEMOFPSC
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos fundamentales, fpsc, Educación, Derechos humanos, English, Palestina