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Acuerdos Oslo Agua Apoyo de las minorías Asentamientos de Colonos Atención a la población más desfavorecida Ayuda humanitaria CEMOFPSC Cooperación al desarrollo Cristianos perseguidos Cuadernos Democracia y Paz Derechos fundamentales Derechos humanos Educación Egipto El papel de las Religiones Empoderamiento English Erradicación de la pobreza Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad civil Género Iraq Israel Jordania Libertad religiosa Líbano Medio ambiente sostenible Naciones Unidas ODS Palestina Programas de desarrollo Promoción de la mujer Readi Refugiados Saneamiento Santa Sede Seguridad alimentaria Seguridad y ayuda internacional Siria Situación de paz y conflictos Tratados fpsc italiano
Women and Human Rights in the Middle East: a Region of Conflicts
I consider this conference to be of special importance because it places the spotlight on the general issue of women and human rights in the Middle East. We are addressing the issue of the status of women in civil society as well as in the political sphere. We are speaking about equal opportunities.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Promoción de la mujer, Derechos humanos, Israel, English
Middle East, fragmented societies, what future?
tags: CEMOFPSC, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
"The Middle East, Fragmented Societies and the Future"
I was excited to later find out that the Foundation also started a research center. Too often, governments appear to do only what is needed to sustain the status quo. They seem unable or unwilling to invest the time to develop policies that could bring more just and lasting results. That changes when officials have better information and options, and that is where research centers like the Foundation's Center for Middle Eastern Studies play a role.
tags: fpsc, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
Middle East, fragmented societies, what future?
Indeed, our Middle East is “fragmented”: many countries, and within these countries, many ethnical identities, many religions, and within the one religion many confessions. In the Arab Middle-East societies two religions, Islam and Christianity, are present and in the today’s Middle East, after the creation of the State of Israel, the three monotheistic religions exist side by side and have their different respective role and influence on the society. Islam and Arabic language and culture are the basic common factor in the Arab societies of the Middle-East. At the same time, the potential of fragmentation is big given its religious and ethnical pluralism.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
Middle East, fragmented societies, what future? Closing Speech
I was excited to find out that FPSC had also started a research center. Too often, governments appear to do only what is needed to sustain the status quo. They seem unable or unwilling to invest the time to develop policies that could bring more just and lasting results. That changes when officials have better information and options, and that is where research centers like the Foundation’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies play a role. They are vital conduits linking dedicated policymakers with good ideas.
tags: CEMOFPSC, Situación de paz y conflictos, Derechos humanos, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz
Cooperation for development and Non Gobernmental Organisations. Working in the Middle East, region of conflicts
tags: CEMOFPSC, Cooperación al desarrollo, Promoción de la mujer, Derechos humanos, Programas de desarrollo, English
Religion: The missing dimension of the diplomacy and politics in the Middle East
This report presents the reflections and conclusions of the experts who participated in the Seminar "Religion: dimension absentfrom diplomacy and politics in the Middle East", organised by the CEMOFPSC on 1sr and 2nd April 2008 at the Madrid Business School (Instituto de Empresa de Madrid).
tags: CEMOFPSC, Apoyo de las minorías, El papel de las Religiones, Derechos humanos, English, Derechos fundamentales, Democracia y Paz