IX CEMOFPSC CONFERENCE»The Arab Spring: The Post-2015 Agenda and the Spanish Cooperation for Development»
EU support to democratic governance: a changing context
EU support to democratic governance: a changing context
Roundtable on Disability in the Middle East organized by the Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (FPSC) in collaboration with the Arab House and AECID. The interventions of the speakers have focused on the achievements and new perspectives opened by the end of the Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities (2004-2013)
This interview was made on the ocassion of the VIII International Seminar: " The ARAB SPRING: The Conflict in Syria. Current Status and Consequences" organised by CEMOFPSC
In the Shadow of History: Israel-Vatican Relations 1948-1973: The Israeli Perspective
Since 1992, when they began negotiating the Fundamental Agreement which laid the foundations of their diplomatic relations, Israel and the Holy See have been talking at the official level.
"The Efforts of FoEME Using Water to Advance Peacemaking"
Water resources management, agricultural development and environment. The work of the FPSC from 2000 to 2012 in Middle East
Good Water Neighbors
Interregional Cooperation: The issue of water in Jordan, Palestine and Israel