Conferenza « e dal forte è uscito il dolce» Le relazioni tra Statu d´Israele e Santa Sede
Saluto di Benvenuto
Since 1992, when they began negotiating the Fundamental Agreement which laid the foundations of their diplomatic relations, Israel and the Holy See have been talking at the official level.
Experta en Oriente Medio. Ha sido coordinadora del área de Desarrollo y Codesarrollo de la Escuela de Profesionales de Emigración y Cooperación de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Jefe de Misión de la Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura en Jerusalén.
Ponencia sobre programas educativos de desarrollo cognitivo
"The Efforts of FoEME Using Water to Advance Peacemaking"
Water resources management, agricultural development and environment. The work of the FPSC from 2000 to 2012 in Middle East
Good Water Neighbors
Interregional Cooperation: The issue of water in Jordan, Palestine and Israel
The "Protecting Groundwater" project