Webinar sobre «La libertad de expresión, el derecho a la sátira y la protección del sentimiento religioso»
º El viernes 26 de febrero de 2021, a [...]
º El viernes 26 de febrero de 2021, a [...]
(Fuente Zenit). El mensaje que el papa Francisco ha dado [...]
The Member of the Executive Committee of the Iraqi Minorities Alliance, William K. Warda, spoke with ABC about the situation of the Christian minority in Iraq and about the Islamic State. This interview was done in the context of the Religious Freedom Seminar organized by the CEMOFPSC in the Casa Árabe of Madrid
The Member of the Executive Committee of the Iraqi Minorities Alliance, William K. Warda, spoke with ABC about the situation of the Christian minority in Iraq and about the Islamic State. This interview was done in the context of the Religious Freedom Seminar organized by the CEMOFPSC in the Casa Árabe of Madrid
CEMOFPSC presenta un estudio comparado de tres expertos sobre modelos de libertad religiosa en Líbano, Israel e Iraq, tomando como referencia la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (DUDH)