Interregional Cooperation: The issue of water in Jordan, Palestine and Israel»
"The Efforts of FoEME Using Water to Advance Peacemaking"
"The Efforts of FoEME Using Water to Advance Peacemaking"
Water resources management, agricultural development and environment. The work of the FPSC from 2000 to 2012 in Middle East
Good Water Neighbors
Interregional Cooperation: The issue of water in Jordan, Palestine and Israel
The "Protecting Groundwater" project
Palabras de bienvenida
Acta de la reunión "La Primavera Árabe: Un año después"
International Seminar and Meeting Debate
Seminario Internacional y Encuentro Debate
The seminar tackled the issue of Jerusalem, three times a Holy City. The "Jerusalem Question" is arguably the most controversial aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the general consensus being that the Holy Places of the three religions have become a focal point for any peace initiative.